Images of Design Technology activities






Our Art Subject Leader

is Mrs Cotton


 Our Art Link Governor

is Mrs Rose

Art in Key Stage 1

In art I will use lots of different materials to design my own work. Through drawing, painting and sculpture I will be able to share my ideas and use my imagination. I’m going to learn about lots of famous artists and their work will help me to make art work of my own. I will learn all about colour, pattern, texture and shape and develop my practical skills.

Art in Key Stage 2

In art I am going to improve and develop my techniques, becoming more skilful in using a range of different materials. My sketch book will be used to record my work, helping me to review and revisit my ideas. I’m going to have the opportunity to use a wide range of media including drawing, painting, printing, textiles, ceramics and CAD. Great artists and designers from different cultures and periods of history will be studied and will help inspire my own creativity.

Intent, Implementation & Impact Statement

Below is a link to our Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement for Art. This document outlines, for Art at Great Finborough Church Primary School, our aims and vision (Intent), our approach to planning, delivery, assessment and enrichment (Implementation) and what we want our children to have achieved and experienced by the time they leave us in Year 6 (Impact).

 Intent, Implementation & Impact Statement (Art)

Breadth of Study Map

Below is a link to our breadth of study map for Art.

The breadth of study map ensures that every child receives their full curriculum entitlement as they progress through the school.

We plan and deliver our curriculum on a one year cycle.

 Breadth of Study Map  (Art)

Key Skills Progression Plan

As part of our ongoing curriculum development work, our subject leaders are preparing detailed skills development documents for every subject. This term (Autumn 2021), as part of our school development work, the subject leaders are developing and trialling these skills progression documents for the subjects and topics being delivered this term. These will be published soon.

Our curriculum begins in the Early Years Foundation Stage. As part of the process of developing the skills progression documents, we have met as a staff team and carefully considered the prerequisite skills required for our EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) children to be ready to access the National Curriculum at the beginning of Year 1. These prerequisite skills can be found by clicking on the link below.

Learning Links in the EYFS (Art)


Curriculum Milestones and Assessments

Below are the links to our Art Milestones for Key-Stage 1, Lower Key-Stage 2 and Upper Key-Stage 2. These documents outline what we expect our children to achieve in Art at the end of each of the 3 key time periods.

Each area of the Curriculum Milestones links to the Art curriculum which develops the ‘Painting’, ‘Collage’, ‘3D’, ‘Printing’ and ‘Textiles’ of the children.

These areas of the curriculum repeat, adding to the skills and knowledge of the children, every year as the children progress through the curriculum.

Children achieve at a ‘Basic Level’, the Expected Level’, or a ‘Deep Level’. Curriculum Milestones are used as our assessment and tracking tool in Art.

 Red Class Art Milestones
Blue Class Art Milestones
Purple Class Art Milestones
Silver Class Art Milestones


Living & Fulfilling our Christian Vision in Art

Rooted in Faith; Enriching Young Minds

‘Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop- a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.’

(Matthew 13 Verse 8)

Our parents and carers entrust us with the most precious of gifts in their lives- their children. It is our responsibility to take this most precious of seed and provide them with the best opportunity to grow as individuals and to learn how to contribute to the wider communities they belong to.

We believe that a broad and balanced curriculum, and the daily life and work of our school, provides the deep and fertile soil. This is needed by our pupils, the seeds, to enable them to put down roots for stability, warmth for support and nutrients (knowledge and skills) to flourish.

As the early shoots of growth begin to appear, the individuals in our care not only need a fertile soil but also need the right additional conditions to truly reach their full potential and to prepare them to fulfill their life in the wider world to which they belong. This enrichment is provided through a curriculum where first-hand and real life experiences and opportunities are at its heart. This enrichment enables our children to learn, develop, retain and apply their newly learned knowledge and skills from, and to, the world around them.

By the end of their journey with us, if we have been successful, our seeds will have grown in to strong, flourishing and caring individuals ready for their next stage of learning and will increasingly use their strength, knowledge, skills and love to support and benefit others to flourish- If achieved, this will in time produces a crop greater than that which was originally sown.

 Christian Vision in Art


Curriculum in Action

To see more about each area, please click on the picture for that area.



Key Stage 2 2024

2D and 3D Sculptures

2D and 3D Sculptures

Key Stage 1 2024

Tribute to Alfie Carpenter

Tribute to Alfie Carpenter

Printing Workshop

Printing Workshop

Year 6 Summer 2023



Year 2 Summer 2023

Gainsborough's House

Gainsborough's House

Years 1-6 Summer 2023

National Gallery & Tate Modern

National Gallery & Tate Modern

Year 6 Summer 2023



Year 4-6 trip October 2022

Aboriginal Art

Aboriginal Art

Year 2 Spring 2023



Purple Class Spring 2023



Y4-6 trip Autumn 2021



Upper School Summer 2022

Art Exhibition

Art Exhibition

Whole School Summer 2022

Printing & Tie Die

Printing & Tie Die

Lower School Summer 2022

Upper School

Upper School

Year 2021-22

Alfie Carpenter

Alfie Carpenter

Art workshops Spring 2022