How to Apply
The outline procedure given below is correct at the time of writing, for full details of the procedure and the most current information about admissions please contact:
Western Area Admissions
West Suffolk House
Western Way
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 3YU
Telephone: 0345 600 0981
For general information about the admissions process and how to make an application (most applications should be made online) use the following link: Information about school admissions.
Visiting the School
You do not need to visit the school prior to making an application, but we welcome visits from prospective parents who wish to do so. A tour of the school takes approximately 45 minutes. We can supply you with a copy of our Prospectus (also downloadable here) and a copy of the Suffolk County Council “Admissions to Schools in Suffolk” (also available from the Suffolk County Council link above).
Admission to Reception
Your child can attend school full-time from the September following their fourth birthday, although you may defer this until any time up to the term following their fifth birthday. If you are applying for your child’s first year of entry (even if you wish to defer) you MUST apply by the published mid January date. Applications may be made online or using a paper CAF/1 available from the school. Offers of places will be sent out in April, at which time you should advise the school of which term you wish to take up the place and whether your child will be attending full or part time that term. Please note: You MUST make an application even if you wish to attend your catchment school. A place at the school of your choice cannot be guaranteed, even at your catchment school.
Admission mid-year or after the first year of entry
If your child is changing schools, or you are applying after the January deadline for the first year of entry, you must apply through the Admissions team for your area using form CAF/2. You can download this from The form should be returned to the Admissions Team.
If you are not successful in securing a place for your child you will be sent a letter from Suffolk County Council informing you of this and offering you the right to appeal with guidance on how to do this.