Our Outcomes


Pupils at our school achieve well personally, socially and academically. Our results (the ones measured by the government) are great.  Our outcomes for our pupils (the ones not measured by the government but highly valued at our school) are what we are really proud of.   Our young people leave the school confident, and with a wealth of experience that builds their resilience and eagerness to learn. They believe in themselves because we believe in them.

The government will not publish Key Stage 2 school level data for the 2021-22 academic year and do not require schools to do so. It is recognised the disruption caused by COVID impacted children in many different ways, with some families and school communities hit far harder than others and, therefore, it would not be possible to determine whether differences in results were reflective of changes to the quality of education or simply indicative of the degree of disruption experienced.

We are still required to publish our last set of Key Stage 2 SATS results from 2018-19.  The DfE have now archived this data because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance.

2018-2019 Results

We were proud of our 2019 cohorts of children and the progress they made.  Although our Key Stage 2 pupils’ outcomes were lower than we usually achieve as a school, they made pleasing personal progress and overcame, with the support of the staff and their parents, many personal barriers in life.

Prior to 2019 our children met, and in many cases exceeded, the National averages.  

KS2 attainment 2019 % achieving expected level or above Average scaled score

National % achieving expected and above


Average scaled score (National)
Reading 75% 103 73% 104
Writing 63% N/A 78% N/A
Maths 63% 101 79% 105
Reading Writing Maths combined 56% N/A 66% N/A


Greater Depth KS2 % achieving in greater depth -School % achieving in greater depth - National
Reading 25% 27%
Writing 6% 27%


KS1 2019 % achieving expected level or above National % achieving expected level or above
Reading 81% 75%
Writing 76% 66%
Maths 71% 76%


Y1 Phonics screen % pupils achieving expected standard - school % pupils achieving expected standard - National
Phonics 85% 82%


Early Years Foundation Stage 2019 school National 2019
 % of children reaching a ‘Good Level of Development’ 75% 72%