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RSE, PHSE & Wellbeing

DT Teacher

Our RSE, PSHE & Wellbeing
Subject Leader is Mr Dodd


Our Safeguarding, RSE, PSHE
Wellbeing Governor
is Mrs Rose



RSE Key Stage 1

In PSHE & RSE at Key Stage 1, I will be provided with the opportunity to build on my learning and the skills I developed in Green Class.

My Personal, Social, Health, Economic, Relationships and Sex Education lessons will equip me with the essential skills to stay physically and mentally healthy and safe.

In my ‘Relationships’ topics, I will learn:

  • how to work well together and develop successful collaborative working skills.
  • about the effects of bullying and teasing and how to get support if I or someone I know is being bullied.
  • how to develop positive relationships with the important people in my life.
  • why families and friendships are important and how family units are different.
  • the importance of cooperation.
  • how to show special people in my life that I care.
  • the importance of having confidence to be yourself and how it can positively impact mental health and emotional well-being.
  • to recognise my positive qualities and what make me an individual.
  • to recognise different emotions and to develop strategies to manage any uncomfortable feelings and the importance of how to share my thoughts and feelings.
  • how to use the internet in a safe and responsible way and the importance of balancing time online with doing other activities to keep my mind and body healthy.
  • about the risks online, the importance of kindness and respect online and not believing everything I see on the internet.

In my ‘Health & Well-Being’ topic, I will learn:

  • about everyday dangers in the home and outside and how to keep myself safe.
  • about safety around strangers both in real-life and online.
  • the underwear rule.
  • about the people who help me to keep safe.
  • how to recognise, talk about, accept and manage positive and negative feelings.
  • about positive feelings such as being thankful, grateful and mindful.
  • how to make healthy choices for my body including sleep, exercise, hygiene, diet and substances.
  • about consent (I can choose).
  • how I will grow and change both physically and emotionally.
  • about my own and other people bodies, gender stereotypes and different types of families.
  • how to respect my own and other peoples’ bodies.
  • how to respond if physical contact makes me feel uncomfortable.

In my ‘Living in the Wider World’ topic, I will learn:

  • the importance of having high aspirations and a positive learning attitude to achieve new learning challenges.
  • the importance of having aspirations for the future including employment and personal goals.
  • about different jobs, roles and not stereotyping.
  • how I benefit from learning about people living in different places and how to make comparisons with between my own life and the life of other children around the world and in the UK.
  • about the relationship between people and their environment.
  • how I need to protect the Earth’s resources.
  • where money comes from and how it can be used.
  • about spending, saving and keeping my money safe.
  • the difference between things I want and things I need.
  • how Individuals, including me, can have a positive impact on the groups and communities which they belong to.
  • about community, being good neighbours and looking after the environment.
  • what it means to be British, diversity and respectful of differences.

RSE Lower Key Stage 2

In PSHE & RSE at Lower Key Stage 2, I will be provided with the opportunity to build on my learning and the skills I developed in Key Stage 1.

My Personal, Social, Health, Economic, Relationships and Sex Education lessons will equip me with the essential skills to stay physically and mentally healthy and safe.


 In my ‘Relationships’ topics, I will learn:

  • how to work well as a class team which have a positive impact on everybody.
  • to identify the impact my actions have on the team.
  • about successful teamwork skills and how to be considerate of others and how to resolve any conflicts.
  • how friendships are formed, maintained and the qualities of a good friend.
  • about disputes, bullying and how to address and cope with these situations.
  • how to identify strengths and achievements.
  • how to express my thoughts and feelings respectfully.
  • how to be assertive in uncomfortable situations.
  • how the media influences and how this can impact how we view ourselves.
  • about making things right when I make mistakes.
  • about the benefits and risks of online activities and how to have a healthy balance of online and offline activities.
  • about the importance of having healthy online relationships and about staying safe and managing negative relationships such as cyber bullying and online stranger danger.
  • about the pressures and challenges associated with social media and the importance of privacy issues such as passwords.


In my ‘Health & Well-Being’ topics, I will learn:

  • about how to take responsibility for my own safety including strategies for standing up to peer pressure.
  • about everyday risks, hazards and dangers and what to do to help keep myself and others safe including road, water, rail safety and dangerous substances.
  • how to administer basic first-aid and how to deal with common injuries.
  • how attitudes towards life help our mental health including thinking positively and calmly, managing difficult emotions, taking responsibility for decisions and developing a growth mindset.
  • how to make safe choices about my body which includes the importance of sleep, exercise, diet, hygiene and appropriate use of substances.
  • that I have choices about my body and that this is called consent.
  • how I will change physically and emotionally as I grow up.
  • how male and female bodies play a part in reproduction.
  • about different family structures.


In my ‘Living in the Wider World’ topics, I will learn:

  • about achievements I have accomplished and the type of attitude that helped me to succeed.
  • how to apply a growth mindset to new challenges and the importance of resilience.
  • how to share my aspirations for the future and consider different jobs and careers available to me.
  • to think about specific skills I may wish to develop to achieve my short and long term goals.
  • develop an understanding that peoples’ opportunities and life experiences differ throughout the world.
  • how our actions can have both positive and harmful effects on people living in different countries.
  • about the concept of inequalities and stereotypes and reflect on what can be done to make the world a fairer place.
  • about climate change and its effects, fair trading practises and how to become a good global citizen.
  • why we spend money and why people may need to borrow money and the consequences of this.
  • explore why we need to prioritise what we spend money on and consider what influences our spending and how to keep track of it.
  • what it means to be British our rules, law and liberty and what living in a democracy means.
  • to be respectful of differences in society and that we live in a diverse, multicultural and democratic society.

RSE Upper Key Stage 2

In PSHE & RSE at Upper Key Stage 2, I will be provided with the opportunity to build on my learning and the skills I developed in Lower Key Stage 2.

My Personal, Social, Health, Economic, Relationships and Sex Education lessons will equip me with the essential skills to stay physically and mentally healthy and safe.


In my ‘Relationships’ studies, I will learn:

  • about the positive qualities of a team and disagree respectfully and communicate effectively.
  • about the key qualities and skills required for a team to be successful.
  • about collaborative learning and the need to compromise.
  • about the importance of kindness and respect within my friendships and family.
  • about conflicts and the importance of resolutions in relationships.
  • about healthy and unhealthy relationships.
  • develop a positive view of myself and about being the importance of being proud of my individuality.
  • how to make positive choices to do the right thing and to avoid peer pressure.
  • about uncomfortable feelings and making things right when I have made a mistake.
  • how to use the internet positively and to look after my well-being when online.
  • about the potential risks of being online and the strategies to stay safe and get help.
  • what is meant by a respectful and healthy online relationship and about what is an inappropriate online relationships and how to get help.
  • about the benefits and risks of social media.
  • how to recognise online bullying and how to help to make it stop.
  • the reliability of online material and the importance of not spreading online material.


In my ‘Health & Well-Being’ studies, I will learn:

  • how to take responsibility for their own safety and how they can stand up to peer pressure.
  • to assess risks and learn what to do if I feel in danger.
  • to identify an emergency and what I need to do. Safe use of roads, railways, water and fireworks.
  • about consent and autonomy.
  • about body image and stereotypes.
  • how substances which are harmful to their bodies.
  • about sleep, exercise and hygiene.
  • about influences about the way they think about their bodies.
  • different pressures come from and how to resist these pressures.
  • how I will grow and change both physically and emotionally.
  • types of relationships have including sexual relationships and sexually transmitted diseases.
  • thoughts and emotions and making links between our thoughts, feelings and emotions.


In my ‘Living in the Wider World’ studies, I will learn:

  • about my own personal learning styles to understand how I learn best.
  • about the challenges people face and barriers to success and overcoming obstacles.
  • how to identify opportunities that are available to me now and in the future.
  • about stereotypes in the world of work.
  • about personal goals.
  • how I have a responsibility to live as a global citizen.
  • my role in help the environment and all living things.
  • the ideas of sustainability and the use of the earths’ natural resources and the effects of global warming and what I can do to reduce the harmful effects.
  • about biodiversity and its importance and what I can do to make the world a better place.
  • how money is used in the wider world and the consequences of taking financial risks and identifying ways to avoid unnecessary financial risks.
  • about the influences that advertisers have on us to encourage us to spend our money.
  • how to become a critical consumer.
  • what ethical spending means and how our spending choices can impact on the environment around us.
  • how earning and spending contribute to society by paying Tax.
  • how Britain represents a wide range of faiths and ethnicities and the structures within it help to support all.
  • how to make positive contributions to a community.
  • about law and the consequences of not respecting it and the workings of local and national government and the roles of charities and voluntary gr


Breadth of Study Map

Below is a link to our breadth of study map for RSE, PSHE & Wellbeing.

The breadth of study map ensures that every child receives their full curriculum entitlement as they progress through the school.

We plan and deliver our curriculum on a two year cycle of learning (Cycle A & Cycle B).

 Breadth of Study Map (RSE, PSHE & Wellbeing)

Safeguarding in the RSE Curriculum

Online Safety in the RSE Curriculum

 Our Curriculum

From September 2020, the DfE has made Relationships and Sex Education mandatory in all schools. Details of core scheme we are using, which combines the RSE curriculum and PSHE curriculum, are shown below.   We consulted with the whole school community on this in Summer 2021 and launched the scheme in September 2021. 

Key Stage 1

(Living in the Wider World)
(Health & Wellbeing)
(Health & Wellbeing)
(Living in the Wider World)
(Health & Wellbeing)
(Living in the Wider World)
(Living in the Wider World)
(Health & Wellbeing)


Lower Key Stage 2

(Living in the Wider World)
(Health & Wellbeing)
(Health & Wellbeing)
(Living in the Wider World)
(Health & Wellbeing)
(Living in the Wider World)
(Living in the Wider World)
(Health & Wellbeing)


Upper Key Stage 2

(Living in the Wider World)
(Health & Wellbeing)
(Health & Wellbeing)
(Living in the Wider World)
(Health & Wellbeing)
(Living in the Wider World)
(Living in the Wider World)
(Health & Wellbeing)
If you have any concerns about this curriculum, please contact  Mr Dodd or Mrs Rose:

Stephen Dodd
Stephanie Rose  

Key Skills Progression Plan

As part of our ongoing curriculum development work, our subject leaders are preparing detailed skills development documents for every subject. This term (Autumn 2021), as part of our school development work, the subject leaders are developing and trialling these skills progression documents for the subjects and topics being delivered this term. These will be published soon.

Our curriculum begins in the Early Years Foundation Stage. As part of the process of developing the skills progression documents, we have met as a staff team and carefully considered the prerequisite skills required for our EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) children to be ready to access the National Curriculum at the beginning of Year 1. These prerequisite skills can be found by clicking on the link below.

Learning Links in the EYFS (RSE, PSHE & Wellbeing)


Curriculum Milestones and Assesssments

Below are the links to our Curriculum Milestones for each year group. These documents outline what we expect our children to achieve in RSE at the end of each year.

Each area of the Curriculum Milestones links to the RSE curriculum.

Children achieve at a ‘Basic Level’, the Expected Level’, or a ‘Deep Level’. Curriculum Milestones are used as our assessment and tracking tool in RSE.

 RSE Milestones Key Stage 1 Cycle A
 RSE Milestones Key Stage 1 Cycle B
 RSE Milestones Lower Key Stage 2 Cycle A
 RSE Milestones Lower Key Stage 2 Cycle B
 RSE Milestones Upper Key Stage 2 Cycle A
 RSE Milestones Upper Key Stage 2 Cycle B

Curriculum in Action

World Book Day

World Book Day

Spring 2023

Archie Project

Archie Project

Years 4 & 5 Spring 2023