RSE, PHSE & Wellbeing
RSE Key Stage 1In PSHE & RSE at Key Stage 1, I will be provided with the opportunity to build on my learning and the skills I developed in Green Class. My Personal, Social, Health, Economic, Relationships and Sex Education lessons will equip me with the essential skills to stay physically and mentally healthy and safe.
In my ‘Relationships’ topics, I will learn:
In my ‘Health & Well-Being’ topic, I will learn:
In my ‘Living in the Wider World’ topic, I will learn:
RSE Lower Key Stage 2In PSHE & RSE at Lower Key Stage 2, I will be provided with the opportunity to build on my learning and the skills I developed in Key Stage 1. My Personal, Social, Health, Economic, Relationships and Sex Education lessons will equip me with the essential skills to stay physically and mentally healthy and safe.
In my ‘Relationships’ topics, I will learn:
In my ‘Health & Well-Being’ topics, I will learn:
In my ‘Living in the Wider World’ topics, I will learn:
RSE Upper Key Stage 2In PSHE & RSE at Upper Key Stage 2, I will be provided with the opportunity to build on my learning and the skills I developed in Lower Key Stage 2. My Personal, Social, Health, Economic, Relationships and Sex Education lessons will equip me with the essential skills to stay physically and mentally healthy and safe.
In my ‘Relationships’ studies, I will learn:
In my ‘Health & Well-Being’ studies, I will learn:
In my ‘Living in the Wider World’ studies, I will learn:
Breadth of Study Map
Below is a link to our breadth of study map for RSE, PSHE & Wellbeing.
The breadth of study map ensures that every child receives their full curriculum entitlement as they progress through the school.
We plan and deliver our curriculum on a two year cycle of learning (Cycle A & Cycle B).
Breadth of Study Map (RSE, PSHE & Wellbeing)
Safeguarding in the RSE Curriculum
Online Safety in the RSE Curriculum
Our Curriculum
From September 2020, the DfE has made Relationships and Sex Education mandatory in all schools. Details of core scheme we are using, which combines the RSE curriculum and PSHE curriculum, are shown below. We consulted with the whole school community on this in Summer 2021 and launched the scheme in September 2021.
Key Stage 1
AIMING HIGH (Living in the Wider World) |
SAFETY FIRST (Health & Wellbeing) |
DIGITAL WELLBEING (Relationships) |
TEAM (Relationships) |
THINK POSITIVE (Health & Wellbeing) |
DIVERSE BRITAIN (Living in the Wider World) |
VIPS (Relationships) |
BE YOURSELF (Relationships) |
IT’S MY BODY (Health & Wellbeing) |
ONE WORLD (Living in the Wider World) |
MONEY MATTERS (Living in the Wider World) |
GROWING UP (Health & Wellbeing) |
Lower Key Stage 2
AIMING HIGH (Living in the Wider World) |
SAFETY FIRST (Health & Wellbeing) |
DIGITAL WELLBEING (Relationships) |
TEAM (Relationships) |
THINK POSITIVE (Health & Wellbeing) |
DIVERSE BRITAIN (Living in the Wider World) |
VIPS (Relationships) |
BE YOURSELF (Relationships) |
IT’S MY BODY (Health & Wellbeing) |
ONE WORLD (Living in the Wider World) |
MONEY MATTERS (Living in the Wider World) |
GROWING UP (Health & Wellbeing) |
Upper Key Stage 2
AIMING HIGH (Living in the Wider World) |
SAFETY FIRST (Health & Wellbeing) |
DIGITAL WELLBEING (Relationships) |
TEAM (Relationships) |
THINK POSITIVE (Health & Wellbeing) |
DIVERSE BRITAIN (Living in the Wider World) |
VIPS (Relationships) |
BE YOURSELF (Relationships) |
IT’S MY BODY (Health & Wellbeing) |
ONE WORLD (Living in the Wider World) |
MONEY MATTERS (Living in the Wider World) |
GROWING UP (Health & Wellbeing) |
Stephen Dodd
Stephanie Rose
Key Skills Progression Plan
As part of our ongoing curriculum development work, our subject leaders are preparing detailed skills development documents for every subject. This term (Autumn 2021), as part of our school development work, the subject leaders are developing and trialling these skills progression documents for the subjects and topics being delivered this term. These will be published soon.
Our curriculum begins in the Early Years Foundation Stage. As part of the process of developing the skills progression documents, we have met as a staff team and carefully considered the prerequisite skills required for our EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) children to be ready to access the National Curriculum at the beginning of Year 1. These prerequisite skills can be found by clicking on the link below.
Learning Links in the EYFS (RSE, PSHE & Wellbeing)
Curriculum Milestones and Assesssments
Below are the links to our Curriculum Milestones for each year group. These documents outline what we expect our children to achieve in RSE at the end of each year.
Each area of the Curriculum Milestones links to the RSE curriculum.
Children achieve at a ‘Basic Level’, the Expected Level’, or a ‘Deep Level’. Curriculum Milestones are used as our assessment and tracking tool in RSE.
RSE Milestones Key Stage 1 Cycle A
RSE Milestones Key Stage 1 Cycle B
RSE Milestones Lower Key Stage 2 Cycle A
RSE Milestones Lower Key Stage 2 Cycle B
RSE Milestones Upper Key Stage 2 Cycle A
RSE Milestones Upper Key Stage 2 Cycle B
Curriculum in Action
World Book Day
Spring 2023
Archie Project
Years 4 & 5 Spring 2023