What’s On Spring 2023




Mondays and Thursdays   Individual Music Lessons
Mondays, 3.20-4.30 up to half term Years 3-6 Dance Club
Tuesdays Years 1-3 Multi Sports Club
Tuesdays from 21st Feb Year 6 Coding Club
Wednesdays Year 5 Swimming
Thursday mornings   School Council
Thursdays Years 4-6 Football


Please note, some dates are provisional, final details will be confirmed in letters to parents

4th January Afternoon Whole School Robin Hood Pantomime at Theatre Royal
6th January 2.30 Whole School Epiphany Service at St Andrew’s, Great Finborough
7th February     Parents Evening - in person appointments
7th February   Whole School Safer Internet Day
9th February     Parents Evening - telephone appointments
13th - 17th February     HALF TERM
13th - 14th February     ITFC Football Camps
21st February (Shrove Tuesday)   Whole School Lunchtime Pancake Events
21st February 3.20-5.00  Years 4-6 Pancake Club
22nd February  After School Selected team Basketball Tournament
24th Feburary 8.45  Year 3 French Food Tasting
2nd March   Whole School World Book Day
17th March   Whole School Red Nose Day
21st March  3.20-4.30 Years 4 & 5 Archie Club
28th March 3.30-4.15  Parents Open Classrooms
30th March   Green Class Trip to Foxburrow Farm
31st March   Whole School World Autism Day - Non uniform
31st March   Whole School Easter service at St Andrew’s, Great Finborough
31st March     LAST DAY OF TERM