Mrs Pam Wells

Mrs Pam Wells

Foundation Governor

Date of appointment 25/03/3032
Term of office 4 years
Date of resignation n/a
Position Foundation Governor, appointed by Diocese
Other governance roles None
Business and pecuniary interests None



Ethos Working Party

Other responsibilities Chair Curriculum Committee
Attendance for last academic year

Whole Governing Body   3  of 3  meetings

Committees   5 of 6   meetings

I have lived in Great Finborough for over twelve years and in retirement am enjoying the local countryside as well as travelling further afield to follow interests which include the history of London, walking and poetry.

My professional life until 2021 was rooted in primary education. I have had a variety of roles including headships, two of which were church schools, teacher training, assessment and induction, school improvement and governance at trust and school level.

As a teacher I really enjoyed being a part of the teams supporting children to achieve, grow in confidence and to enjoy their learning.  Outdoor learning and taking children to contrasting locations was always at the heart of my approach to teaching and learning and so I am delighted to be a  governor at a school which places such high value on these things.