Mrs Pamela Lore

Local Authority Governor

Date of appointment 21/11/2019
Term of office 4 years
Date of resignation 20/06/2024
Position Local Authority Governor, appointed by Suffolk County Council
Other governance roles None
Business and pecuniary interests None



Other responsibilities  SEN, Chair of Personnel Committee
Attendance for last academic year

Whole Governing Body   3   of 3  meetings

Committees   6 of 6   meetings

I have had an abiding interest in education throughout life and a belief in its importance for all, whether advantaged or disadvantaged. I retired 2016 having been Head Teacher in an independent school for dyslexic children with pupils  from Yr.3-Yr.8. Previously I have:-

  • Lived and worked abroad.
  • Brought up three children.
  • Taught English to Yr.3 through Y.8 (Head of Department and Deputy Head).
  • Been class teacher Y.5/6.
  • Been a teacher trainer in UK for Phono-Graphix Reading Company (Phono-Graphix is a synthetic phonics teaching methodology, researched in UK and US and in process of validation for use in UK schools). 
  • Given talks at Cambridge Conference (BDA), Hornsby Institute, Univ. of Roehampton.
  • Assessor for Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD - dyslexia) – SASC accredited.

Education:- BA Dev. Psychology; MA Education; Dip. Inst. Linguists, Dip. RSA SpLD(dyslexia).