DT Key Stage 1
Design Technology Design Technology is a practical subject where I will be given the opportunity to be creative and imaginative. I will learn, and be given the opportunity, to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to design, make and evaluate products in a range of real-life contexts.
Cooking & Nutrition Cooking and nutrition is an important life skill. I will be given the opportunity through cooking and nutrition lessons to learn about the importance of a healthy and varied diet and to understand where my food comes from. I will enjoy cooking a variety of basic foods to help me develop a love and passion of cooking and eating healthily.
DT Key Stage 2
Design Technology Design Technology is a practical subject where I will be given the opportunity to be creative and imaginative. I will learn, and be given the opportunity, to further develop my knowledge, understanding and skills to design, make and evaluate products in range of real-life contexts. Increasingly, my own creativity, research and knowledge of the needs of my target audience, will inform, direct and challenge my ideas. I will increasingly apply my skills and knowledge learned in Science, Computing and Maths to help with the design, make and evaluate process.
Cooking & Nutrition Cooking and nutrition is a crucial life skill that will help me to feed myself and others healthily and affordably. I will be given the opportunity to understand the principles of a healthy and varied diet, prepare and cook a variety of predominately savoury dishes from a variety of cultures using a range of cooking techniques. I will understand seasonality, know where and how a variety of ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed. I will be provided with opportunities to cook for myself and others to help me develop a love and lifelong passion for cooking and eating healthily. I will increasingly apply my skills and knowledge learned in Science and PSHE to help with my broader understanding of healthy lifestyle choices.