Spring Term 2017
The Christian Value we are particularly focusing on this term is Trust. We will be reflecting upon how we can show each other what it means to have trust in others, demonstrate the repercussions when trust is broken and identify different kinds of trust that work in our school community and in the wider world.
Christians believe that Trust is the basis of all stable relationships, including a person’s relationship with God. It is rooted in truth, and will grow through consistent experiences of reliability and integrity.
God’s commitment to humanity is seen in his willingness to trust ordinary people with the carrying out of his purposes through history. We will learn the story of Gideon, A Brave and Mighty Man and consider the why Mary, a young and ordinary girl, is so special to Christians.
Trust can easily be broken in this world, but we learn that we can trust God in every circumstance. Many times in our lives we go through trials and following God’s plan might seem like it doesn’t make sense, but we learn that God is always in control and he will never leave us.
John 14:1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.”