Pupil Premium (2016/17)
Number of Pupils & Pupil Premium Grant (PPG: | |
Number of Pupils on Roll (From October 2015 Census) |
142 |
Total Number of Pupils Eligible for PPG (From January 2016 Census) |
18 |
Total Amount of PPG Due |
£24,340 |
Service Premium (2016/2017)
Number of Pupils & Service Premium Grant (PPG) Received: | |
Number of Pupils on Roll (From October 2015 Census) |
142 |
Total Number of Pupils Eligible for Service Premium (From January 2016 Census) |
5 |
Estimated Total Amount of SPG Due |
£1,500 |
How we plan to spend this money to support our Pupil Premium children:
Following the success of 2015-16, we are adopting a similar model for our spending of pupil premium money; the majority of our budget will again support our pupil premium children through additional teaching assistant time across the school. The additional hours of teaching assistant time will also support Quality First Teaching for all our pupils. The school is continuing to meet the costs, through its main budget, of up-skilling teaching assistants to help meet the needs of our children and this year has an Early Years Practitioner and another teaching assistant undertaking the NVQ level 3 qualification.
In addition many pupil premium children will receive targeted 1:1 teaching with a Qualified Teacher, working in liaison with their Class Teacher.
All pupil premium children will have access to free enrichment opportunities, sports clubs, wrap-around care, and one complete set of badged school uniform.
Where applicable, where children required access to other opportunities and services outside school, e.g., extended music tuition and access to instruments, these will be provided.
Measuring impact:
Every term we analyse the progress of our pupil premium children against non-pupil premium children and produce a Closing the Gaps report, which is given to Curriculum Governors and published on this website. The first analysis for this academic year will be available at the end of December 2016.