
At Great Finborough Church Primary deliver a skills-based curriculum which is relevant and engaging, and which provides opportunities for the application of basic skills alongside a range of exciting enrichment activities. Our goal is to teach children how to learn and to empower them with the skills and desire to become lifelong learners.

Our curriculum meets the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014 and the EYFS and will be adapted to accommodate any future changes in breadth of study requirements.

Driving forces

Our curriculum is driven by the passions that make our school unique – we carefully weave together quality first teaching of the National Curriculum and an understanding and appreciation of the arts with exciting opportunities for enrichment and motivation and the core values of the Christian Faith.

Curriculum maps

The content and skills described in the National Curriculum 2014 are divided up into sections to be covered in the classes across the school (curriculum maps). Within each class the content is adapted by the teachers to meet the needs of the cohort and ensure accessibility to all learners.

Finding out more

If you want to find out more about our curriculum please look at our Curriculum policy and the National Curriculum 2014 or arrange a meeting to talk to your child’s class teacher

Below are links to our current Curriculum Maps.

The table below shows the key elements of our planning and tracking systems for the curriculum.


Breadth of study – What to teach, based on the programmes of study in  Curriculum 2014 and added to by teachers to suit the needs of individual cohorts.

This is allocated to classes on the curriculum maps (see above links).


Coverage from the range of subjects is grouped around ‘topics’ or ‘themes’ designed to motivate children and act as a vehicle for the learning.

These themes are planned to suit particular cohorts of children, responding to their needs and interests.

Planning shows the coverage, objectives and differentiation of activities to meet all abilities, including SEND, support and challenge levels.

Within lessons, success criteria are discussed with children to make explicit the steps to fully achieve the learning objective.

Assessment and Tracking

Our assessment and tracking is a reflective and evolving process, taking account of both the changing national expectations, and the need to closely monitor and plan effectively for the progress of our pupils.

Pupils are assessed against the end of year expectations for the child’s year group, as described in Curriculum 2014. Children’s ability in a subject is described as working towards, working at or working in greater depth within these expectations. In some cases, children are working within the expectations of the following year.

To ensure reliability of these assessments and consistency across the school we have introduced a range of commercially produced tests which have the benefit of being moderated across a wide range of pupils nationwide. These termly tests help to inform teacher assessments and also give children ‘test practise, preparing them for the end of key stage papers.’